Construction industry acronyms - G
This article presents a list of construction industry acronyms beginning with 'G'.
For other letters click on the list below:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[edit] G
G - Girth
G - Gully
GA - General Arrangement
GACP - Generally Accepted Accounting Practice
GPDO - General Permitted Development Order
GAD - Gas Appliances Directive
GAE - General Administrative Expenditure
GAI - Guild of Architectural Ironmongers
GAS - Generic Assessment Criteria
GBL - China Green Building Label (also called Three Star)
GBN - Great British Nuclear
GBR - general binding rules
GC - Government Conditions of contract (GC Works, no longer being updated)
GCB - Green Construction Board
GCL - geocomposite clay liners
GCN - Great Crested Newt
GCP - Ground control points
GCR - Geological Conservation Review site
GCR - Great Central Railway
GCS - Government Construction Strategy
GCV - Gross Calorific Value
GDA - Green Deal Assessor
GDA - Gross Development Area
GDA - Generic Design Assessment
GDL - Geometric Description Language
GDN - Gas Distribution Network
GDO - General Development Order
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GDPO - General Development Procedure Order
GDPO - Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations.
GDV - Gross Development Value
GEA - Gross External Area
GEML - Galvanised Expanded Metal Lath
GFA - Gross Floor Area
GFP - General Fire Precautions
GFP - Guaranteed Fixed Price
GGBS - Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag
GGF - Glass and Glazing Federation
gglass - centre-of-glass g-value
GGRA - Ground Gas Risk Assessment
GGT - Gas Tracer Tests
GHEU - Government Historic Estates Unit
GHG - greenhouse gas(es)
GHP - Geothermal Heat Pump
GI - galvanised iron
GI - Green Infrastructure
GI - Ground Investigation Or Galvanised Iron
GIA - Gross Internal Area
GIE - Groupement d'Interet Economique
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
GIFA - Gross Internal Floor Area
GIFOV - Ground projected instantaneous field of view
GIGA - Green Industries Growth Accelerator
GiGL - Greenspace Information for Greater London
GJDG - Green Jobs Delivery Group
GIS - Geographical Information System
GL - Ground Level
GL - GypLyner [British Gypsum]
GLA - Gangmaster Licensing Authority
GLA - Greater London Authority
GLAAS - Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service
GLC - Gas Liquid Chromatography
GLHER - Greater London Historic Environmental Record
GLVIA - Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
GLW - Gross Laden Weight
GM - Guidance Memoranda
GMB - common name for General, Municipal, Boilermakers' and Allied Trade Union (GMBATU)
GMBATU - General, Municipal, Boilermakers' and Allied Trade Union
GML - Geography Markup Language (ISO19136)
GMO - Genetically Modified Organism
GMP - Guaranteed Maximum Price
GMPP - Government Major Projects Portfolio
GN - Guidance Note
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System
GNVQ - General National Vocational Qualification
GoO - Guarantees of Origin
GP - General Practitioner
GP3 - Groundwater projection: principles and practice
GPA - Agreement On Government Procurement
GPA - Government Procurement Agreement
GPM - Good Practice Measures.
GPR - Green Plot Ratio
GPR - Ground Penetration Radar - Ground Penetrating Radar
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPVS - Gas Protection Verification Accreditation Scheme
GQRA - Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment
GR - Gyproc
GRESB - Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark
GRG - Glass-Reinforced Gyproc
GRI - Global Reporting Initiative
GRIHA - Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
GRIP - 3 Governance for Railway Investment Projects (Stage 3) process
GRIP - Governance For Railway Investment Projects
GRO - Green Roof Organisation
GRP - Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymers
GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
GRP - Glass-Reinforced Polyester
GSCU - Government Skills and Curriculum Unit
GSD - Ground sample distance
GSF - Gross Square Footage
GSHP - Ground Source Heat Pump
GSI - Ground projected sample interval
GSIUR - The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998
GSL - Government Soft Landings
GSMR - Gas Safety Management Regulations
GSP - Grid Supply Point
GSPZ - groundwater source protection zone
GSS - Guaranteed standards scheme
GT - Globe Thermometer
GTA - Government Technical Adviser
GTAW - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
GTL - Gas-To-Liquids
GUI - Graphical User Interface
GUID's - Global Unique ID’s
GVA - Gross Value Added
G-value - solar heat Gain value of glazing
GVD - General Vesting Declaration (see compulsory purchase order)
GWDTE - Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystem
gwindow - whole window g-value
GWL - Ground Water Level
GWML - Great Western Main Line
GWP - Global Warming Potential
GWR - Great Western Railway
GWR - GypWall Rapid (Channel)
GWSI - Generic Written Scheme Of Investigation
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